The UK Law on Porn: A Sexist Double Standard

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The UK government recently announced amendments to the law on pornography, stating that from April 2022, online porn viewers will have to prove they are 18 or over before being able to access adult content. While the intention behind this law is to protect children from exposure to explicit material, the way in which it will be implemented is inherently sexist and fails to address the root of the issue.

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Sexual Double Standards

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The amendments to the UK law on porn perpetuate a double standard when it comes to sexuality. While it is necessary to protect children from exposure to inappropriate content, the focus on regulating the consumption of pornography fails to address the societal attitudes and systemic issues that contribute to the objectification and sexualization of women. The law places the burden of responsibility on the consumer, rather than addressing the broader societal issues that contribute to the normalization of explicit material.

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The Impact on Women

The amendments to the UK law on porn disproportionately impact women and reinforce harmful stereotypes. The focus on regulating adult content perpetuates the idea that women's bodies are inherently sexual and should be hidden from view, while men's bodies are not subjected to the same level of scrutiny. This perpetuates the objectification of women and reinforces the idea that women's bodies are inherently shameful or taboo.

Furthermore, the amendments fail to address the exploitation and abuse of women within the pornography industry. Instead of addressing the root causes of exploitation and abuse, the law places the burden on the consumer to prove their age before accessing adult content. This fails to address the systemic issues within the industry and instead places the blame on the individual consumer.

The Impact on Relationships

The amendments to the UK law on porn also have implications for relationships and dating. The focus on regulating adult content perpetuates a culture of shame and secrecy around sexuality, which can have a detrimental impact on relationships. The idea that explicit material should be hidden or restricted reinforces the idea that sexuality is something to be ashamed of, rather than a natural and healthy part of human relationships.

Furthermore, the amendments fail to address the impact of pornography on relationships and sexual dynamics. Instead of addressing the broader societal issues that contribute to the normalization of explicit material, the law places the burden on the individual to prove their age before accessing adult content. This fails to address the impact of pornography on relationships and fails to provide support for individuals who may be struggling with the effects of excessive pornography consumption.

Moving Forward

In order to address the root causes of the issues surrounding pornography, it is essential to take a more holistic approach. This means addressing the societal attitudes and systemic issues that contribute to the objectification and sexualization of women, as well as providing support for individuals who may be struggling with the effects of excessive pornography consumption. It also means addressing the exploitation and abuse of women within the pornography industry and ensuring that individuals have access to support and resources if they are struggling with pornography addiction.

In conclusion, the amendments to the UK law on porn are inherently sexist and fail to address the root causes of the issues surrounding pornography. Instead of placing the burden on the individual to prove their age before accessing adult content, it is essential to take a more holistic approach that addresses the broader societal issues that contribute to the normalization of explicit material. This means addressing the objectification and sexualization of women, as well as providing support for individuals who may be struggling with the effects of excessive pornography consumption. By taking a more holistic approach, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society that promotes healthy attitudes towards sexuality and relationships.